Bumble v0.1 is the first robot design released as part of the gooddog.ai project. It has currently been superceded by Bumble v0.2.
Bumble is a three wheeled bot based around NVIDIA’s Jetson Xavier Devkit. It features two hoverboard motors for a drive train, plus a small caster wheel for balance. It’s meant to be easily assembled from off-the-shelf + 3D printed parts without any special equipment necessary. The total cost is under $2000, which compares quite well to commercial off the shelf solutions like NVIDIA’s Carter robot which cost upwards of $10,000.
We chose the Jetson Xavier platform because we want these bots to have the absolute highest amount of GPU and CPU available for a mobile platform, to allow running multiple state of the art networks in real-time.
Tech Specs:
- NVIDIA Jetson Xavier (31 TeraOps total compute)
- ~$1,800 BOM Cost
- 24V LiFEPO4 battery
- 2x Hoverboard motors
- Intel Real Sense D435i
- Dynamixel Pan-tilt head